Priyanka Paramita Sarkar

FullStack Web Developer

About Me

Hello, my name is Priyanka Paramita Sarkar.Primarily interested in Web Development.
I love exploring new things.

Feel free to take a look at my recent projects at project section.

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Expat Journal Plants App
How To App Pokemon

An app designed to see photos laid out in a grid. Users can create, read, update and delete stories and photos.


Expat Journal

• Developed web-app using React, Redux, HTML5/CSS3 that provides a professional platform for expats to share their experiences globally.
• Worked across the software development cycle to gather user requirements and build and maintain the code, which allows users to post descriptions and stories about their travels.
• Ensure application successfully establish connection between frontend and backend.

How-To App

• Works as a website guide to complete a task.
• Ensure applications security and ability to interact with multiple APIs and databases.
• Responsible for API design and development of RESTful services.

Plant Shop

• Use my extensive experience with front end development to define the structure and components for the project, making sure they’re reusable.
• Responsible for the implementation of Web Design based on CSS3, HTML5, Bootstrap, React JS.
• Implemented React Js to create a dynamically changing website.

Pokemon Shop

• Fetched data inside an async action creator from an API.
• Added the data from the API to the Redux store.
• Displayed the data from the store in a component.
• Used HTML, CSS, Bootstrap to style the app.


  • Frontend
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Backend
  • Node
  • Express
  • Knex
  • SQLite3
  • REST API Services


Please click on Resume Link